Welcome to CHQ Wellness

Published on 13 February 2024 at 14:34

Hi there.  My name is Tina, and I write this blog.


I live on Chautauqua Lake in the very southwestern corner of New York State with Tadd, my husband of almost 25 years.  We live in a small house on the water, set between the small villages of Mayville & Chautauqua Institution, which we long ago dubbed Heron Cove, because every morning there is at least one great blue heron fishing near our dock.  It was a somewhat run-down fishing camp when we bought it. 

It had eight small cabins, a rental house with a crumbling foundation, and a main house.  We spent the next 25 years making the property our own.  We phased out of the seasonal rental business after a few years and some rather large tuition bills, as well as disputes with neighbors and the local zoning board.  We went on to create privacy gardens, a vegetable garden with raised beds, a greenhouse, and much more while raising three children.  It has been a very fun process from the moment we bought the property, with a few marital disputes along the way.

In the meantime, we enjoyed lake life, sailing, fishing and generally enjoying our gorgeous surroundings.  Our area has many year-round attractions and activities, and we try to take advantage of as many of them as possible.  Spring and fall can present challenges, frustrations, and joy.  Winter here can be long, snowy, and cold, but we embrace it, as do all the seasons, skiing, iceboating and ice skating on the lake.  To us, the worst winters are the mild, muddy ones.

Somewhere in our mid-to-late fifties, we both began paying the physical price for our overly active lifestyle.   To ease our aches and pains while continuing our active lifestyle, we began exploring alternative bodywork & training.  After years of trying several individual remedies, we began to combine techniques, exercises, and movement along with nutrition.  Using this combination, we found we could create a higher-level physical comfort. 

We ultimately developed a program of chronic pain management that works well for us.  So well, in fact, that we began to share it with others who also desire to continue to live an active and more comfortable life.

 After years of working as nurses and living a very active lifestyle, we retired.  We always had a few “side jobs” along the way such as floral design, woodworking, and music, and felt we needed more to occupy our time when not traveling. 

I feel fortunate every day that I get to do what I do.  We have amazing clients from around the globe.  The last few years I have taught chronic pain management classes and have received numerous requests for more information.  It really has been the catalyst for me to create this blog.  I love sharing ideas and knowledge with other like-minded people, so this allows me to do it on a more frequent basis. 

Teaching adults how to feed their bodies and function more effectively and comfortably, can present, alternatively, some poignant, sad, or pretty funny experiences.  While some are just outright funny, others are hard to believe.  For those of you who know me, you know a sense of humor & laughter is something I reach for regularly to pull me through intense moments. 

I love making clients feel comfortable, cooking delicious healthy meals together, designing floral arrangements and cooking from my garden, and developing solutions to most any problem. Please join me on my journey.  Life’s more fun when you are comfortable!


Best, always,

Tina Jane Rexford West Newell

Tadd and I are the owners of CHQ Wellness and web site, CHQ Wellness.

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